Is the Prospective New Capital City of Indonesia Environmentally Friendly? Here’s NASA’s Analysis Berita, Nasional|June 17, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – From the outset, President Jokowi emphasized that the construction of
Taxes and Our Education Khazanah, Opini|June 17, 2024June 17, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – Not everyone can pursue the highest levels of education. This
Commercialization of Education Khazanah|June 17, 2024August 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – Several renowned universities in Indonesia have once again imposed increases
The Vast Scale of Online Gambling in Indonesia, Surpassing Casinos in Singapore, Malaysia, and Macau Berita, Nasional|June 17, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – Online gambling has come under the spotlight in Indonesia over
Rossa, the KPK Investigator Who Was Detained and Dismissed by Firli Bahuri When He Was Close to Catching Harun Masiku Berita, Nasional|June 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – The Corruption Eradication Commission, or KPK, is once again investigating
Rupiah (IDR) Exchange Rate in 2014-2024 Berita|June 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – In October 2014, when Jokowi was inaugurated as the President
REVIVING THE CULTURE OF ISLAMIC RESEARCH Khazanah, Opini|June 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – In the annals of history, Islamic civilization once stood as
The Contents of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s Farewell Sermon (Khutbah al-Wada) Khazanah|June 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – “Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said during
CLARIFYING ISSUES OF INTERFAITH GREETINGS AND PRAYERS Khazanah, Opini|June 16, 2024June 16, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – Once, a student asked me whether interfaith greetings and prayers are
PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA MUAMALAH PADA BANK SYARIAH MELALUI ARBITRASE SYARIAH Ruang Guru|June 15, 2024by Sofiandi Opi – Pada penjelasan sebelumnya disebutkan bahwa pembentukan badan arbitrase syariah atau