Rossa, the KPK Investigator Who Was Detained and Dismissed by Firli Bahuri When He Was Close to Catching Harun Masiku

banner 468x60 – The Corruption Eradication Commission, or KPK, is once again investigating the bribery case involving Harun Masiku, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). This is related to the KPK summoning PDIP Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto again as a witness in the case. Hasto is the fourth witness questioned by the KPK after the case was reopened. He was summoned to the KPK’s Red and White Building on Monday, June 10, 2024, as he is considered to be one of Harun Masiku’s associates. The revival of the Harun Masiku case recalls the efforts of KPK investigators in apprehending the fugitive politician, following his escape from a KPK sting operation on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.

One such story, as reported by Tempo, is that of Rossa Purbo Bekti, a KPK investigator who was detained and dismissed from the KPK after investigating the Harun Masiku case. It is well known that KPK investigators always faced various obstacles when investigating the bribery case involving the PDIP politician. Rossa, who led the operation to arrest Harun Masiku, and five members of his team were detained and taken to a room for interrogation by the police.

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According to the Tempo Magazine investigative report titled “Left in Limbo at the Red and White Building,” about a month after the failed operation to capture Harun Masiku, Rossa was notified on February 4, 2020, that he was no longer a KPK investigator. At that time, Rossa was on duty in Medan handling a case and immediately returned to Jakarta with other team members. Due to this sudden notification, Rossa did not even have the chance to clear his desk. The then Chair of the KPK Employee Association, Yudi Purnomo Harahap, said that Rossa also had to return the salary he received in early February, even though he had not yet received an official termination letter.

Rossa’s return to the Indonesian National Police, his original institution, began when the Assistant for Human Resources of the National Police Headquarters sent a letter to the KPK requesting Rossa’s return. However, the letter did not specify the reason for Rossa’s recall. This letter was delivered to the KPK five days after the incident where KPK investigators were detained at the Police Science College (PTIK), specifically on Monday, January 13, 2020.

Finding the recall letter suspicious, several KPK employees contacted senior officials at the National Police. They were concerned that Rossa’s recall was related to the case he was handling. On January 21, a high-ranking police general agreed to annul Rossa’s recall letter and sent a cancellation letter to the KPK. Acting KPK spokesperson, Ali Fikri, confirmed the receipt of the cancellation letter, but he said that the KPK received the letter on January 24. By then, Rossa’s dismissal process had already been completed.

“On January 15, the five leaders had already agreed. Then on the 21st, a termination decision letter was made and sent to the National Police Headquarters,” said Ali. In response, the general sent another letter on January 29, 2020, reaffirming the cancellation of Rossa’s recall. Nonetheless, the KPK Chairman at that time, Firli Bahuri, insisted on returning Rossa to his original institution.

“The leadership’s decision conveyed that the termination letter had already been issued,” said Firli on February 6. Since then, Rossa has no longer held the status of a KPK investigator. He had to leave his responsibility in handling the Harun Masiku case.@

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